Kembara Kita, Jiwa Merdeka: EMZI Group’s Merdeka Celebration and Malaysia Day Theme Launching Ceremony

SUNGAI PETANI – On August 16th 2024, EMZI Group hosted a significant event at its headquarters in SP Plaza Complex, unveiling the theme for this year’s Merdeka & Malaysia Day celebrations: ‘Kembara Kita, Jiwa Merdeka’. The theme was chosen to reflect EMZI Group’s journey in not only building a competitive organization but also fostering a strong sense of national and personal identity among employees, aligned with the spirit of patriotism. The company-wide event was officiated by EMZI Group’s CEO, Tuan Haji Mohammad Faizal bin Zainon.
The event began with a Kuliah Dhuha delivered by guest speaker, Ustaz Aiman Subri, titled “Independence from Islamic Perspective.” Tuan Haji Faizal, in his inauguration speech emphasized that, in line with the lecture’s theme, patriotic spirit should be nurtured with self-reflection, quoting, “Don’t ask what the country can do for us, ask what we can do for the country.” The event reached its climax when all attendees proudly sang the Jalur Gemilang song while waving the Malaysian flag with pride.

The theme ‘Kembara Kita, Jiwa Merdeka’ serves as a guiding principle for all EMZI Group employees in their efforts to achieve the true meaning of independence, both physically and spiritually. We aspire for this theme to be fully embraced not only during the independence month but continuously throughout the year.

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